The one-page legal advice/opinion letter

Do clients really need to read the entire legal advice/opinion letter that has multiple pages including the law firm’s disclaimers, a list
Do clients really need to read the entire legal advice/opinion letter that has multiple pages including the law firm’s disclaimers, a list
At first blush, this question may sound counterintuitive. Traditionally and rather logically, there has been a direct correlation between the quality of
Does a lawyer have any motivation to complete the case work as soon as possible if he/she will be paid more to
Generally, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) permits a limited number of derivative transactions/products such as swaps and options with certain reporting
Yes. If, upon delivery of the goods, the buyer finds any deficiencies or defects yet fails to inform the supplier/seller, either at
Once an application for enforcement is filed, there is a distinct possibility that the party against which enforcement of the foreign decree
Yes, if the invoice has information confirming that the parties agreed to the delivery of a specified type and amount of goods
The primary piece of legislation governing Principal-Agent relationships in Pakistan is The Contract Act, 1872. In terms of the authority and powers
Although there is no distinction between the local or global turnover of a company to a merger transaction, in light of the