
Arbitrators vs Bot-rators: Can AI Make International Arbitration Fairer and More Just?

The American Review of International Arbitration, September 2024)

“Metaverse’s First Arbitration Proceeding"

(The American Review of International Arbitration, September, 2023)

“Pro-Arbitration Revisited: A Tribute to Professor George Bermann from his Students Over the Years”

– Contributing author of article/chapter titled “What does it mean to be Pro-Arbitration – An examination of Pakistani judiciary’s approach”

“Blockchain Arbitration: Promises and Perils"

(The American Review of International Arbitration, March 2023)

“Arbitration Story Time"

(The American Review of International Arbitration, February 2023)

“Reimagining Webinars"

(The American Review of International Arbitration, October 2022)

“Force Majeure and Hardship in the Asia Pacific Region”

Contributing author of the Pakistan chapter – Book published by JURIS, one of the world’s leading legal publishers specializing in international law

“Pakistan’s $6 billion mistake"

(The Nation, August 2019)

“Pakistan’s Experience in International Investment Arbitration and Corruption Claims Legal Framework for International Arbitration and Seminal Judgments of the Supreme Court”

 (International Journal of Arab Arbitration Volume 11 – No. (2) 2019;

“BRI and CPEC: Dispute resolution mechanisms” (Tribune, March 2018)

Pakistan’s Legal Framework for International Arbitration and Seminal Judgments of the Supreme Court”

 (International Journal of Arab Arbitration Volume 11 – No. (2) 2019;

“BRI and CPEC: Dispute resolution mechanisms” (Tribune, March 2018)

Pakistan’s Legal Framework for International Arbitration and Seminal Judgments of the Supreme Court”

(Tribune, September 2017)

“The disaster of international arbitration of RPPs”

(International Journal of Arab Arbitration Volume 9 – No. (2) 2017;

“CPEC: ABCs of commercial investment dispute resolution” (Tribune, November 2017)

“Reko Diq case”

(Dawn, April, 2017)

“Legal ramifications of India’s unilateral withdrawal from IWT”

(Tribune, Oct 2016)